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Subject: Re: Help w/ file transfer in RT-11
Organization: D Bit, Troy, NY
From: wilson@dbit.com (John Wilson)
Message-ID: <3731d132.0@news.wizvax.net>
Date: 6 May 1999 13:28:18 -0500
To: kermit.misc@watsun.cc.columbia.edu
In article <372DF5B2.AF9469C6@ucla.edu>, Karl Beykirch <karl@ucla.edu> wrote:
>I like the Kermit idea, but the PDP is on a communication island. No
>ethernet, 8" floppy, serial lines, no common media. I can download
>Kermit, but how do I get it on the PDP? Can I get it on an 8" floppy
FYI, this comes up periodically so I decided to make a little 8" adapter board
as a D Bit product (probably a no-profit one though). It has 34- and 50-pin
connectors for the PC and 8" drive cables (works with straight-through ribbon
cables, at least on my drive which is a Tandon), and an on-board PIC CPU which
watches the drive bus for seeks and takes care of asserting the TG43 signal
(which PC FDCs don't supply) appropriately for the currently selected drive.
Also it has a second 34-pin connector wired for real DEC RX50 drives, which
might come in handy in the future as 1.2 MB drives become harder to find.
Current versions of PUTR and E11 don't support real RX50 drives yet, but
I'll be working on that. They *do* support 8" drives though.
Note that the ability to actually write RX01 disks (IBM 3740 style) still
depends on the PC's floppy controller. Some can, some can't, but even ones
that can't write RX01s may still be able to read them (the on-board FDC on
my FIC VA-503+ motherboards can). RX02s won't work at all with regular PC
FDCs though due to the weird low-level format.
John Wilson
D Bit